Bob Crossland

I spent most of my working life with the criminal justice system, working first as a probation officer in Bristol and Cornwall and latterly commissioning drug and alcohol services in the county. I have seen at first hand the difficulties caused to young people and families by drugs and alcohol.

I believe very strongly that good education provides young people with opportunity. I was involved with my local school as a governor and chair of governors when my children were growing up. More recently I was a governor and latterly chair of governors at Truro and Penwith College retiring from that role last year. I was also a founding Director of Truro and Penwith Multi Academy Trust which is sponsored by the college.

On retiring from full time work I became a trustee and then chair of Skoodhya a small charity which worked with victims of domestic and sexual violence. I along with my fellow trustees oversaw the successful amalgamation of Skoodhya with a Plymouth based organisation to create a larger and more robust organisation delivering services across Cornwall and Devon.

I believe that with the right kind of opportunity and support young people can change, aspire and reach their potential. I firmly believe that by working in partnerships and being consistent in support we maximise these opportunities. White Gold helps to provide those opportunities which is why I am pleased to be involved with White Gold and as Chair build on the work of the last couple of decades.