Human Rights… relevant to young people on the White Gold programme?
Alan Milliner the founder and Director of White Gold Cornwall (WGC) recently attended an excellent conference at New County Hall Truro in respect of promoting Human Rights. The event took the form of a ‘Roadshow’ which has been traveling across the UK in a series of events to raise awareness and understanding.
A key observation at the conference was that public, private and voluntary sectors are not sufficiently promoting the articles of the Human Rights Act within their organisations at the level which it lawfully warrants. This has implications for the work of WGC.
As a result of the most recent up-dates the White Gold Team have now been brought right up to date with the requirements and will ensure the articles are promoted within the team and the young people that we support.
After the conference, Alan Milliner said “It was a very useful Roadshow to attend and highlighted the gaps at delivery and strategic levels. Article 8, right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence were in particular flagged as a significant area to focus of for White Gold”.