Mental Health and Young People

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Radio Cornwall Live

[cherry_row] [cherry_col size_md="12"] Alan Milliner was interviewed by…

Radio Cornwall Live

Alan Milliner, Chief Executive Officer of White Gold Cornwall Foundation will…

A Right Royal Affair

On the 16th May 2017 both Sally Ackerley (Administrator) and Jill Green…

New East Supervisor

Due to the expanding nature of White Gold we are pleased to announce that Jason…


We have been very fortunate to be supported by many people over the years and…


White Gold Cornwall are very grateful for Children In Need for their grant to…

Vacancies for White Gold Cornwall

White Gold Cornwall are looking for two new engagement workers for East and…

White Gold Cornwall director appointed as new member of Local Action Group

Alan Milliner Director of White Gold Cornwall has been appointed as a new…

Charlotte completes her White Gold Cornwall work experience

Charlotte is 14 years old and a year 10 student at Richard Lander School in…