Pippa Jones

Hi my name is Pippa. I have spent the last 20 years working as a teaching assistant in a primary school, primarily in Key Stage 2. Before that I had a variety of jobs such as waitressing, book selling, working on a boat magazine and proofreading. In addition, I am a qualified swimming teacher.

I love working with young people; it is so rewarding being part of their journey through life and knowing that I have had a positive impact in their development, whether is is academic or pastoral. I am looking forward to continuing this journey with White Gold.

I live with my husband and two boisterous spaniels, and my free time seems to be mostly taken up with trying to exhaust the latter on long coastal walks. I also enjoy reading and swimming – but only when it’s warm enough! Our three children are all grown up and we have recently joined the grandparent club which is joyous and feels like the greatest privilege. Unfortunately, I find there is rarely time to keep on top of the dust that accumulates – I blame the dogs.